Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why Were You Not Moses?

by Barbara Chadwick

I give you excerpts from two books. Both speak of being who God created you to be. We are sometimes tempted to “try on” someone’s character or personality that we admire. It never works -  try as we might. It is awkward, unnatural. The reason is because we were made to be unique and in the image of God, the Creator for a purpose. There have been gazillions of humans since the beginning of time and not one of them has been duplicated because God has had a different plan for every individual.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

From In The Eye Of The Storm by Max Lucado
 “He placed one scoop of clay upon another until a form lay lifeless on the ground.

            All were silent as the Creator reached in himself and removed something yet unseen. ‘It’s called choice. The see of choice’
            Within the man, God had placed a divine seed.  A seed of his self. The God of might had created.... And the One who had chosen to love had created one who could love in return.”

From Living Your Strengths: Discover Your God Given Talents by Albert L. Winseman, Donald O. Clifton and Curt Liesveld
The author tells the Hasidic story of the Rabbi Zusya:

“In the coming world, they will not ask me: ‘Why were you not Moses?’  They will ask me” Why were you not Zusya?’” 
The author continues “That is God’s question to each of us as well. We are not expected to be who we are not. We are expected to be who we are.”

So with your quirks and your talents, your tics and your gifts God will use you to do just what He created you to do.
Billy Hanks said that God can use us if we will just be FAT.  That is, Faithful, Available and Teachable.

To accomplish the plan He has for you,  just be FAT. He will bless your efforts  and use you  to honor His Name.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your love, O Lord, endures forever – do not abandon the works of Your hands. Psalm 138:8

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