Saturday, February 9, 2013


By Barbara Chadwick


You can’t wait ‘til you get back to the trail head so you squat down in the forest and along come other hikers!
Drive 10 mph over the speed limit, come around a bend in the road and behold a trooper who has you in his radar!

There’s nobody in sight so you hike up your underwear. You look around, just in case, and there’s a guy behind a bush letting his dog go!

During a prayer at church you look back to see if your friend came and your eyes meet the eyes of a child watching you!

My husband, Kenneth, drove from Anchorage to Kenai and made a pit stop at a Quick Mart. In the bathroom a guy said, “Aren’t you that preacher I saw on TV?”  (He preached at First Baptist Church in Anchorage from time to time when the pastor was away. Their service is televised.)

We often think nobody’s watching us just when we realize that someone is. We also think our actions are invisible to God when we realize they are not.

Does He not see my ways and count my every step? Job 31:4

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Hebrews 4:13

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