Sunday, February 14, 2010

by Barbara Chadwick

I put a small cardboard heart on the table and taped a regular sized piece of white paper to the table. I said to Levi, "Put your hand here. Can you feel the heart underneath?" He nodded. "O.K. Choose a red crayon and rub it over this area then you will see the outline of the heart!" He said, "I can't do this. I'm just four, you know." Well, he finally did it and was proud of his work.

I wonder if our excuses sound as funny to God as Levi's excuse sounded to me.

"I don't have an education." "I'm too old or too young." "That's not my gift." "I have too many responsibilities." We have all used excuses of one kind or another.

Cecilia Sullins (wife to, Cloyd, a former Executive Director of Alaska Baptist Convention) was a great example to me. Many times I heard her reply to a request, "Yes, I'll be glad to do it." Often times I knew that it was something she did not want to do. But she had a servant's heart and she was faithful to the Lord.

The answer God is most pleased with is, "Yes, Lord. I'll be glad to do it!"

Matthew 25:14-28 tells the parable of the talents. Two servants had been given five and two talents respectively, they had put the money to good use and earned a profit. The Master was pleased with them and said, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of mnanyh things. Come and share your master's happiness."

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