On The
Saddle Ridge
(at VBS)
by Barbara Chadwick
What a privilege it is to teach boys and girls about Jesus. I thank God that I was able to help this week. Although, I did say a couple of times, "I think 68 years old is too old for this!"
Teacher: Who was the Bible lesson about this morning?
Student: Zaccheus
Teacher: Was he big or little?
Student: He was Wee!
Teacher: Let's read our Bible verse together, "For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to give you a hope and a future. This is the Lord's declaration.... Jeremiah 29:11" What does declaration mean ?
Student: That's when you make something nice and pretty! (decoration)
A teacher asked a question and several students answered at once. She said, "Please raise your hand to speak." They raised their hands and she called on one litte guy who said, "Can I please go home?"
In the snack room after drinking four ounces of pink lemonade one boy asked, "Tomorrow can we have red wine?"
Friday in the craft room the students were given the pouches to make their "saddle-bag". They were to write the theme for the week, Have Questions? Ask God! One boy came in with a bit of an attitude. When he was handed his pouch he said, "You can't even MAKE me do this!" He pushed his chair away from the table. The other students got into the task loving every bead and sticker. He was ignored. Soon the teacher glanced his way and saw that he was busy, his head bowed above his work. His pouch was one of the most artistic done that day. As he left he said, "This has been the best week!" Who can understand the power of using the talents that God has put into a child.
At the end of class there were lots of Saddle Ridge Ranch stickers left over. One student asked if they could have them to put on their refrigerator at home. The teacher smiled and said, "You need to ask your mother first."
Monday morning: One of the teachers said, "Don't you just love the excitement and joy in the kids faces?
Friday morning: One of the teachers said with excitement and joy in HER face, "Just one more day!"
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
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