Monday, October 18, 2010

The Genesis Siblings

Siblings … those people you love to hate! They seem to be the ones most likely to make you crazy and give you the most warmest fuzzies. How can that be? Probably because usually they know us the most and have lived with us the longest. We’ve been through Christmases and summer vacations and Spring Break together. We had the chicken pox with them and broke their toys and they shared our toys with their friends who destroyed them. We listened to them cry. They listened to us whine. We share parents who always loved them more than us. And when we share our experiences growing up they seem to have been raised by different parents in different places, at least that’s what my dad says about his sister’s stories. ^_^

I’ve been reading through the great sibling stories in Genesis and I have to say that my three brothers come out smelling like the real gems/roses that they are. For example:

· Cain & Abel

· Shem, Ham, and Japheth

· Abram & Sarai (1/2 brother and sister)

· Ishmael & Isaac

· Jacob & Esau

· Leah & Rachel

· Joseph and his 11 brothers

Did I leave anyone out? Wow after reading these stories and their dysfunctional lives and realizing that God in all of His great mercy still continues to love us and counts us faithful based on our desire to pursue relationship with Him, based on His faithfulness He forgives us, based on our feeble actions to obey His leading and do what He tells us to do, He makes it possible for us to walk and talk to Him.

Who is like this great God of ours? No! There is NONE like Him and none can compare.

God bless you as you pursue enriching and encouraging your sibling relationships.

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