Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Higher Level

I was asked to choose a high school praise band to sing the opener for the Rebecca St James fundraiser concert we had at our school recently. What a buzz it was for our community to have such a big name come to town and what a thrill to get to be the band that opened for her. And I learned something about bands, and practicing, and being ready in season and out. The kids we chose did a great job, but all of the kids who tried out suddenly found out that the level of expectation was way higher than they were even thinking about. Prior to this experience it was “ok” to just meet once a week and practice for an hour; it was “ok” to wear whatever each member wanted to wear and not consider how you would look as a whole; it was “ok” to just focus on your part of the music and not be concerned about engaging the audience. Suddenly all of those things were not only important, but they were going to be judged on how well they did them.

Have you ever felt like suddenly the bar was raised … like right before you’re going to jump over it someone comes along and raises the bar? Right now I’m going through a season where I feel quite a bit out of my depth. I’ve reviewed the major decisions that got me to where I am today and here’s my conclusion:

· I allowed myself to be talked out of doing what I wanted to do

· I talked myself out of doing things I thought would be great

· Why? Because no one else … no one that I wanted to be connected to at the time … was doing it

· Because I wanted to be doing things that my friends and family valued … or things I thought they valued

· Because … I was chasing the praise of men

I find that it’s un-nerving, un-settling, and un-productive to dwell on those mistakes, however, I want to know how to proceed … how do I continue when it’s obvious I’m not very successful on my own?

I was reading in Daniel the other day and noticed a pattern … a habit he established early in life …

“Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.” Daniel 6:10

I’ve been in a season where everything that I did was fine and now suddenly I’m in a season where everything I do is being judged by a standard that I’ve not been practicing. Not just in my skills musically but in my walk spiritually.

You see, I’ve had a morning quiet time for years. For years I’ve practiced getting away to focus on a particular spiritual issue. But I’m discovering what it feels like to be in way over my head at my job, and as I speak to women in the jail, and as I minister to friends and neighbors, I’m discovering that spending time with God once a day is simply not sufficient for the amount of conundrums, puzzlements, challenges, riddles that pop up over the course of the day. There’s simply way too much that I don’t know … and can never know. And if I want to exercise wisdom … if I want to make right and just decisions … then I’m going to HAVE to spend more time talking to Him regarding what He wants me to do and how He wants me to get it done. The bar has been raised and I need to get over it in order to be effective in my home, with my family & friends, in my job, and in my community.

God knew that the new nation of Israel was going to need His direction and guidance so He told them … and me … “Hear, O ‘Audrey’: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up …” Deuteronomy 6:4-25

The disciples knew that life would never be the same and after Jesus ascends into heaven the disciples “… returned to Jerusalem … they all joined together constantly in prayer …” Acts 1: 12-14

You and I are not going to be any different. With worldwide disasters like Japan’s Tsunami, with national embarrassments like our national debt, with church dysfunctions like church splits and leadership failures, with our families becoming more and more distant and torn … if we want to be effective believers in the coming days, months, years, we are going to have to be seeking God first and often. I pray God will encourage you and help you to “seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness!”

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