Sunday, September 8, 2013


By Dr. A. Kenneth Chadwick


The dandelion has received a bad name not because of its beautiful flowers but because of its wonderful propensity to reproduction. It is as if the dandelion thought that when God told man in Genesis to be fruitful and multiply He was speaking to the dandelion.

I would maintain that it should not be the national flower but the world wide flower. It grows everywhere. It grows in the cracks of the sidewalks of the large cities. It grows along the unpaved streets of small villages. It grows alongside the highways and byways of all nations. It grows in the high mountains and the low valleys. It has the ability to adapt to all kinds of soil and weather patterns. 

Would not the dandelion serve as a wonderful example for the Christian to follow?

 Its roots go deep in the soil and it is difficult to extract them. It sows it’s seed indiscriminately and with profusion. Would not it be wonderful if all Christians would send their roots deep into the rich fertile soil of God’s Holy Word? So deep that it would not be easy for the cares and worries of this present age to so easily uproot them. And would not it be wonderful if Christians would sow the seeds of the gospel along the highways and byways of life in such an indiscriminate manner that many of the seeds would take root and there would be growth of the church that would astound all the people of the world.

Was not this what Jesus had in mind when he said in the closing words of Mathew’s gospel, Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.? Matthew 28:19-20

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