Saturday, September 28, 2013

What Jesus was actually doing:

What people thought Jesus was doing:
What Jesus was actually doing:
What the Disciples thought Jesus was doing:
Coming to establish His kingdom here on earth.
Establishing His kingdom in the hearts and souls of men
What the Pharisees thought Jesus was doing:
Coming to abolish the Law and do away with the traditions of the church
Fulfilling all the Law and the Prophets
What the Sadducees thought Jesus was doing:
Bringing a hocus-pocus spiritual experience and  convincing people of angels and the resurrection of the dead
Preparing a way for the Holy Spirit to come and indwell every believer so that they would be resurrected to heaven at the second coming
What the sick, hungry, hurting sinners thought Jesus was doing:
Bringing a quick fix, a solution, something for nothing
Making the payment required to buy freedom from sin, sickness, and disease … giving them everything at His expense …

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