Sunday, July 20, 2008

Puddleglum's My Name

by Audrey Wauson

“Puddleglum’s my name. (He’s a Narnia Marshwiggle.) But it doesn’t matter if you forget it. I can always tell you again.” …

“Now,” said Puddleglum. “Those eels will take a mortal long time to cook, and either of you might faint with hunger before they’re done. I knew a little girl – but I’d better not tell you that story. It might lower your spirits, and that’s a thing I never do. So, to keep your minds off your hunger, we may as well talk about our plans.”

“Yes, do let’s,” said Jill. “Can you help us find Prince Rilian?”

The Marshwiggle sucked in his cheeks till they were hollower than you would have thought possible. “Well, I don’t know that you’d call it help,” he said. “I don’t know that anyone could exactly help. It stands to reason we’re not likely to get very far on a journey to the north, not at this time of the year, with the winter coming on soon and all. And an early winter too, by the look of things. But you mustn’t let that make you down-hearted. Very likely, what with enemies, and mountains, and rivers to cross, and losing our way, and next to nothing to eat, and sore feet, we’ll hardly notice the weather. And if we don’t get far enough to do any good, we may get far enough not to get back in a hurry.”
-The Silver Chair (The Chronicles of Narnia)

Sounds like me yesterday. Our pianist is out of town for a month and I’m replacing her. Not a good replacement, but nevertheless with the guy on the drums and another guy on the guitar, we got by. And I’m not used to playing for hours on end. I got up early and ran through the songs at the house, then played them again at the church around 7:30am then with the guitar guy around 8am. Then we actually did the service at 8:30am. Then I played for the run-through at 9am then for the actual service at 9:30, then for the communion at 10:30, then for the 11:15 service and then finally for the last communion at 12:00. Good grief, and next Sunday will be worse because it’s just singing and testimonies the whole time all 3 services, which normally I love, because it’s just straight singing which I can do for hours. But piano playing is another thing.

So in between services while the praise team and band were hanging out waiting for our turn on stage, people were complimenting me and telling me how much they appreciated what I was doing. And what was I saying in response? “Wow, I’m so tired. I can’t believe how tired and sore my arms and shoulders are. I don’t know if I can keep on. I’m sure to make all kinds of mistakes. I’m going to need a nap after all of this. Etcetera a nauseaum…. Ugghhhhh!!!!

Here’s the deal, I had been praying and asking God for the opportunity to do some piano playing and He graciously arranged for me to have that opportunity, along with a coach, in the form of the regular pianist playing through all of the songs on a CD so that everyone in the band could practice at the right tempo. Then when I was scared to death of failing, He not only gave me the strength to do the task, He also provided the mental ability to stay focused. And how did I respond? verbally, to those who asked me about it? Did I go on and on about how good God is? About how He’s so awesome to give me the strength to do this task? About how glorious it is to have Him working through me? Noooooooo, I instead focused on all of the negative aspects, I dwelt on all of my struggles and trials. Oh woe is me, a Marsh-wiggle in need of a new mouth and mind!!

Lord Jesus, please give me a new mouth and mind; a mouth and mind that is thankful for everything that you have given me; a mouth and mind that thinks of everything that is true and noble and right; a mouth and mind that trusts and believes that You are the One who will come and save me!!! Please let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to You!!!!! You are so awesome and I’m so grateful that You chose me to play this month. Help me to be worthy of this great honor!!!

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