Sunday, July 13, 2008


by Barbara Chadwick

Psalm 46:10a
"Be still and know that I am God"

February is a cold month in northern Colorado. On this particular Sunday there were patches of snow on the ground. The trees seemed to be hovering, their branches fluttering in the wind, nude. All the wildlife we see in summer were in their holes or dens. It seemed as if all creation was waiting for the breath of spring. We were on our way to church, fifty-three miles away, down the mountain. We began on the dirt road out of our community, progressed to a two lane paved road which dead-ended on the highway leading to town.

We saw a hawk sitting on a top branch of a tree, very still, watching, waiting and listening. God seemed to say, "Look. You need to be like that hawk listening for My voice, waiting for My leading and watching to see what I am going to do in your lives."

At this time the church, where my husband has been serving as interim pastor, is about to call a full-time pastor. We are ready. We have been blessed to be here but now it's time for the next step.

Some days I feel anxious because we don't know yet where God wants us to serve next in our retirement. God brings the hawk to my mind - still - waiting, watching and listening. He seems to say, "You are not at a dead-end but I am about to bless your lives in a wonderful way. Just be still and know that I am God."

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