Sunday, October 4, 2009

Here We Are. Send Us!
By Barbara Chadwick

Last night at our On Mission Rally, John Forester from Kotzebue said that when that church invited him to come as pastor his wife asked on the way home in the plane, “What are you going to do? Here you have an association in Georgia wanting you as DOM and a church in the Arctic wanting you as pastor, what are you going to do?” He replied, “I’m going to the Arctic.” Immediately she said, “Not without me. I’m going with you.”

Mike Proctor said that his wife had once told him, “If you feel God is calling you to that place I will go with you.”

When Kenneth and I were young married and starting out in the ministry I told him that what I wanted to do was to help him be the most that he could be for Christ and that I would go wherever God led.

This morning in Sunday School a woman asked for prayer that God would give her and her husband direction in how to follow him. They both feel called to the mission field but she has health problems that seem to be preventing them.

The essential thing in each couple is surrender. Give up to God everything that is in you and let Him work out the details. He can do miraculous things in your life when you give up. If God is in control all we can do is follow.

God sometimes calls a person to spend his/her life alone in service to Him. A surrendered life is a beautiful thing. We have outstanding examples in Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong and Valeria Sherard.

But when God calls a couple into service to him He calls both of them. A Couple = Two. God doesn’t call just one of a couple.

If you feel God calling you to missions and your spouse isn’t responding, keep praying. God will reveal it to the other in His time. Pray without ceasing for the eyes of your spouse’s heart to be opened.

Who should I send? Who will go for us? I said: Here I am. Send me. Isaiah 6:8

As couples let us say, “Here we are. Send us!” then watch as God uses us to touch the lives of people in many different ways.

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