Sunday, November 29, 2009

Prayer Seeds & Who Planted Them

Our family is building a memory tree of our spiritual walk with God. One of the questions is …

#4: If you can look back and see the seeds planted in your life, share them. Who were those special people?

As a child I would have to say that my parents were the primary influence-ers or seed planters. I grew up listening to them pray for me and my brothers and for everyone else as well. When we were without financially they would gather us together and we would tell God about our need. Actually, whatever was going on whether good or bad we were always praying about things. This way of doing things continues to this day, because if I call and talk to my parents about anything, good or bad, they will pray or praise with me about it right there on the phone.

As a young married mother stationed in England, there was a woman whose children were older than mine that I would visit. She blew me away with her prayers because she just kept up a running conversation with God ... literally talking to Him as though He were sitting in the room. If I started telling her about the kids being sick she say something like, "God, I know that it distresses You for Audrey's children to be sick. Please heal them." ... then to me " so what are you doing for their congestion?" and that's the way any conversation would go with her. I really wanted to have that kind of confidence and peace.

While we were stationed in Panama, there was a woman my age who was also an amazing prayer warrior. She and her husband were missionaries there. Many of the things she did were so radically different from anything I'd ever experienced that it was hard for me to assimilate some of the things that she wanted to share with me. Nevertheless, her confidence and boldness when she prayed really triggered within me a desire for a bold prayer life.

About 10 years ago we moved to Waco, TX and I met several people who just acted like .... hmmm ... I'm not sure how to describe it but it was as though you could "see" literally see something different about them. They just had an aura about them. As I got to know them, I realized that they had peace, a deep knowing, in particular Kevin Johnson. His confidence was so strong and compelling and it was evident that he believed that God heard him when he spoke.

Another friend, Renee Murray, about the same time read the book "The Bondage Breaker" and it changed her life so dramatically. Larry and I were just absolutely amazed at the difference in her life. We read the book and found that many of the prayers written in there brought us so much peace and change that it was very incredible. But we probably wouldn’t have even given it a thought if we hadn’t seen the change in her.

Who in your life has said or done something that got you to thinking about your faith in God? Or triggered a longing for something different or deeper in your walk with God? Or gave you the strength and determination to persist in prayer? Jot that down and share it with someone today … it’s the only day you’ve got and who knows you might change someone’s life forever!

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