Sunday, September 25, 2011

God Answers Prayer
by Barbara Chadwick

May the Lord answer you in the day of your trouble! May the Name of the God of Jacob set you securely on high! May He send you help from the sanctuary, and support you from Zion!
Psalm 20:1-2

Kenneth had a heart attack last week!

The doctor took me to a waiting room as they wheeled Kenneth into the Cath Lab where the doctor would put a stent into the artery that was 100% blocked. His eyes were full of concern and he said, "Are you alright?" I nodded and said, "Yes, I am."

I prayed as I sat there in this small room - for Kenneth and for wisdom and steady hands for the doctor. (God heard and answered)

Then I thought maybe our kids would want to know. As I heard the voice of each one I cried and could hardly speak. I thought it was odd that I seemed fine when the doctor sat me down there and as I prayed but hearing the voices of my children made the tears flow! Then they all came here to Ft. Collins, Colorado. One from New Mexico, two from Colorado, and one from Alaska. (God sent help from His sanctuary)

Kenneth and I have experienced blessings and trials from this.

All of a sudden you can't do the things you want to do
You have to rest a lot
You have to take a lot of medicine
You have to eat low fat margarine instead of butter and fat free milk instead of 2% and IF you make Peanut Butter Fudge you cannot eat it but you have to take it to the doctor instead (Dr's orders!)
You can't just take off and walk in the mountains for an hour, instead you have to walk around the deck 15 minutes at a time

Experiencing God's presence in the time of trouble
Realizing the love and care of family and how precious it is
The outpouring of love from friends through phone calls, cards, emails and visits is so sweet
Seeing that God provides what you need one day at a time

Kenneth will have to have by-pass surgery in a few weeks but we know that we can trust in the God of Jacob to answer us in the day we call on His Name. Psalm 20:9

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