Saturday, July 13, 2013


by Barbara Chadwick


The Praise Team leader for the week said, “Can we change this song to a new key. This key is really not working.” The guitarist said, “These flats are just too awkward. Can we change the key?”
Remember the days in your life when, in exasperation, you told the Lord (in so many words), “Heavenly Father this key (this time in my life) is just not working. Can you change the key for me?”

It is written of Job “And Job died, an old man and full of days.” (Job 42:17)  Do you recall his story?  How he lost all his children, all his sheep, camels, oxen and donkeys then was stricken with painful boils from the soles of his feet to the top of his head?
Some of Job’s statements from that time:
“May the day of my birth perish…”  Job 3:3
“I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil.”  Job 3:26
“If only my anguish could be weighed and all my misery be placed on the scales! It would surely outweigh the sand of the seas.”  Job 6:2
“My days are swifter than a runner; they fly away without a glimpse of joy.”  Job 9:25

Apparently,  there were certainly many days when Job wanted to change the key and the tone of his days. But his focus was entirely on himself. We can certainly sympathize with those feelings.

Throughout the discourse with the friends that came to “console” him, Job speaks with great pride of his accomplishments, his obedience to God, his wisdom, his standing in the community, and how he helped the poor and defenseless. He says, Men listened to me expectantly, waiting in silence for my counsel…  They waited for me as for showers…I dwelt as a king among his troops...  
Job 29:21,23 & 25

But then finally, in chapter 38  the Lord answered Job: Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation....? While the morning stars sang together (In a perfect key I might add!) and all the angels shouted for joy...? Who endowed (your) heart with wisdom or gave understanding to (your) mind...?   Job 38:4, 7, & 36

The Lord shows us that in order to change keys we have to change our thought processes.

For instance, to change from the key of C# minor to C Major we have to arrange the notes mentally from four sharps to no sharps or flats. With much practice this process happens quickly.

So, to change the key for the days of our lives, we have to mentally change our focus.  Our focus has to be on God. Job finally said, Surely, I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know…My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore, I …repent in dust and ashes.  Job 42:3, 5-6

Our focus has to be on God. With much practice (prayer and reading God’s Word) that shift in focus from I/My to You, Lord will happen quickly.

Incidentally, The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first.  Job 42:12 

The key – the focus of his days was radically changed.

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