by Audrey Wauson
Wall-E, a whole sermons series could be developed out of that one simple movie. The movie opens with this adorable little machine going about his work, cheerfully gathering up trash and smashing it into cubes and stacking the cubes. He’s curious about his world and searches for beauty everywhere. The humans in the movie have disappeared onto a spaceship and left machines to do their dirty work. They float around inside their spaceship on special lounge chairs with robots to bring them food and care for their every need. Back on their planet there is only one machine left that is working - Wall-E.
I’m confident that the producers did not intend for it to be a documentary on Christianity in the US. Nevertheless, I fear that we (US Christians) are like the people in the movie. Instead of doing what we were put on this planet to do, we seem to prefer programs and machines to interact and interface with our world. And instead of striving to have this huge life-breathing rejuvenating effect on the world, we prefer to leave our world, our neighborhoods, our towns, to float around on church-ships that pander to our ever increasing whims, while at the same time causing us to become more and more ineffective and unproductive … so much so that we can’t even help ourselves, much less those in need around us.
How can such a cute movie make a person so mad; so foot stomping, want to scream, mad? How? Because I see myself on one of those floating pads, wobbling around barely able to stand … not because I don’t know how to … but because I feel so grossly out of shape! That was me! In some areas that still is me! How disgusting is that? What is it that Jesus said in Matthew that we were put here to do? "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' Matthew 25:43-45 NIV … 40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' What did God say in Micah 6:8? “He has showed you O man what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with the Lord your God.”
At one point in the movie, Wall-E finds a very small tiny plant and he saves it, treasures it, and finally gives it away to another robot. We need to be giving away our treasure, the grace of God, to others. What did Jesus say? “Love God. Love others.” Matthew 22:36-40. That’s it. It’s not complicated. It doesn’t require a program, or permission. We don’t have to vote on it or get approval. It doesn’t cost $19.95 plus S&H. We can … you and I can begin cleaning up our world, our corner, by administering first aid … the best kind … grace. We can pass out grace, love, mercy … to all those tired, lonely, disappointed, ugly, undesirable, hurting people that we walk by, live near, or talk to. We can give it out every single day.
God help me to SEE … to see You when I next see someone who is hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or needing clothes, or sick, or in prison, or in any other condition. Help me to not put limitations on how I will help others … any more than you put limitations on Your love for me. I’m so very, very grateful that You were willing to die for me; and to live for me; and to love me: when I was undesirable; when I didn’t want Your help or Your ways; when I thought I knew everything. O Lord Jesus, have mercy on me. Please give me an opportunity to be a blessing to those people around me that You loved so much that You came and died for them!
Everyone needs compassion,
Love that's never failing;
Let mercy fall on me.
Everyone needs forgiveness,
The kindness of a Saviour;
The Hope of nations.
Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.
So take me as You find me,
All my fears and failures,
Fill my life again.
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in,
Now I surrender.
Shine your light and
let the whole world see,
We're singing for the glory
of the risen King...Jesus (x2)
Mighty To Save by Hillsong
“…let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:15-17 NIV