Sunday, November 24, 2013


by Barbara Chadwick

Our church provides a Thanksgiving meal for the community. So yesterday we loaded our pumpkin pies and sweet potato casserole in the car and headed out. It would be an hour and a half drive.

As we drove down our snowy lane, a snowshoe hare darted across the road in front of a coyote. He was “sailing out John” (that is – running as if his life depended on it)

Driving down the mountain we passed fields of cows – standing perfectly still – as if waiting.

So it was an hour drive down a mountain road to hwy 287. On hwy 287 the speed limit is 65 mph only we got stuck behind someone driving slower.

Fif – ty – five – miles – per -  hour Kenneth said, emphasizing each syllable.

We made it to the church, put our stuff on the big table, then had to wait for everyone else to bring their food. Finally it was 12:00 and time for the pastor to pray. By 2:30PM we had fed 125 people. The table was heavy with food and the fellowship was great among people who only waved to each other occasionally. What a blessing.

We get in the habit of “sailing out John” – the habit of hurry. Why does it seem so hard to wait. Our impatience gets in the way sometimes. 

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Be still and enjoy your family this Thanksgiving!

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